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RFID Lab (E301)
This RFID Lab is funded jointly by a 2007 Ministry of Education (MOE) grant for “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System Principles and Applications” course under “Home Cares” sub-program of the Digital Family Teaching Drive Alliance Center of the MOE Information and Communications Technology Talent Cultivating and Training Pilot Program, and a matching fund by the Jinwen University of Science and Technology (JUST). The purpose of this Lab is to promote the use of the Lab equipments for the “RFID System Principles and Applications” course lab work, as well as for training the students in RFID system design and application capability. The content of Lab Work for this RFID System Principles and Applications course experiments includes the following: 1. Set up VB 2005 RFID system development environment. 2. Design a program to read the serial number of RFID tag. 3. Design a program to write/read data into/from RFID memory sections/blocks. 4. Design a program to connect a RFID Reader and the Backend Host database. 5. Design a RFID-based access control management system
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